You have to first make it happen securely, to function on a roof. Skipping some fundamental actions could land you to the floor — or in the emergency area although setting up a ladder might appear easy. Begin by examining the ladder for just about any broken or weak places. Set the ladder on firm, strong floor to prevent tipping or sinking. Always connect the ladder to some fixed object close to the roof edge to make sure that it’s immobile.Enlist the help of a helper to to keep the ladder for extra safety against slippage.
Inspect the roof for an area containing a good gutter or other object that is fixed for ladder attachment. Have a helper assist in transporting the ladder to the area. Set the ladder on firm, level floor to make sure that the ladder feet transfer and don’t sink while you climb. Make sure the ladder is sitting. Leave three toes of the ladder extending over the fringe of of the roof.
Measure the ladder size in the bottom to the roof edge using a tape measure. The bottom of the ladder needs to be positioned one-foot in the roof edge for each four feet of ladder size. Divide the complete ladder size by four. Position the foundation in the distance in the building. Place a wood block below the bottom for extra assistance. Estimate the ladder size by counting the rungs, which are about one foot when no tape measure is available.
Stand with both feet on the bottom stage of the ladder securely. Press down firmly with both toes and secure the ladder to the floor. Climb the ladder before you reach the roof edge. Don’t advance over the very best three ladder rungs.
Hook one end of a bungee-cord . Wind round the leg of the ladder. Fold again around and the cord entirely over the ladder in a full circle throughout the ladder. Hook the cord.
Face the ladder and climbdown cautiously. Use your hands fingers as you descend, and keep your toes in the guts of the rungs.